an exciting eBook recorder program by Fairbairn-Leehy-O’Mara

Suitable for students aged 8-10.

The Recorder Room student edition is available through the iTunes store for use on iPads and Mac computers. It takes students through the learning process with the use of videos, audio tracks and charts – and all with the touch of a finger or a mouse! A great way for students to practice at home, and can be used at school too.

FAQ about Recorder Room

Detailed description

How Does it Work?

You open your Recorder Room iBooks App (on an iPad or Mac in iBooks) to view charts or arrangements, do solo or group work … AND play virtual percussion instruments for extended arrangements.
You can also watch videos and try out material for forthcoming lessons – which will make learning those lessons a little easier.

You can also use your Recorder Room iBooks App at school to view charts or arrangements, do solo or group work.

Product samples

Recorder resources

$14.99 in the iBooks store