Which Music Room is right for me? Scroll down to find out.
Music Room Level’s 1 – 7
By Rob Fairbairn, Mark Leehy and Kevin O’Mara
Music Room is a practical, easy to use comprehensive teaching and learning program.
- Available in digital and print format
- A fun, easy-to-use music program for both classroom teacher & music specialist.
- Each level is structured as a full year’s lesson plans: 4 terms with 8 lessons per term.
- Covers all aspects of the music curriculum:
- Concept development
- Responding to the Arts
- Music in context (Music in time, Music for Dance, Music for Special Occasions, Music that Tells a Story)
- Theoretical and practical content
- Also includes concert performance pieces.
Are some or all of your classes multi-age?
Tap here to read more about using Music Room in this setting.
Which version of Music Room is Right for me?
“I would like someone else to teach my music lessons so that all I have to do is set up the classroom and participate along with my students.”
Music Room Alive
AND with perhaps
Music Room Teacher Book or eMusic Room Teacher eBook
I want to teach my music lessons but would like them all pre-planned for me and have easy access to the accompanying AV resources but would like to prepare the lessons myself.”
Music Room Teacher Book (Print – includes eMusic Room)
eMusic Room Teacher eBook
“I want to teach my music lessons but would like them all pre-planned and pre-prepared for me. I don’t have the time to make my own Powerpoint presentations.”
Music Room Teacher Book + Music Room Slideshow
eMusic Room Teacher eBook + Music Room Slideshow
Music Room Support
Tap here for Music Room Support Materials
Praise for Music Room
- If children were to progress through their primary school education using the Music Room program, I believe they would be receiving a high quality music education. – Music in Action
- I have every one of your Music Room books. The non-music staff, who take my classes when I am not there, say they are great lessons and find it not near as hard or as intimidating as they thought it would be to take a music class. So I am so pleased you have brought out Music Room 7. I am about to start Raps with my year 6 students. – Christian College, Geelong.
- With Music Room, I feel that not only have I have expanded my repertoire of ideas, I feel I have improved as a music specialist. – Alan Uphill, Skelmersdale UK
- I just keep falling more in love with this program. – St Joseph’s Primary School, Rockdale
Which Music Room is right for you?
Watch the VideoMusic Room Slideshow
Companion Powerpoint-style presentations to Music Room Teacher Books and eMusic Room
All you need for presentation to your students!
- Includes embedded video, audio charts
- No more need for CDs, DVDs or USBs
- No more hours of Powerpoint slide preparation.
Music Room Learning Outcomes
Australian Curriculum mapping, Australian state based learning outcomes, and UK Curriculum outcomes