A fabulous current (2021) version of the National Anthem – complete with traditional didgeridoo and contemporary electric guitars!
This version of Advance Australia Fair was recorded under the guidance of Indigenous Musician, Singer, Composer, Dancer (with the Gunditjmara Karweeyn dance group) and Educator Paul Wright, who continues to perform, do school visits, as well as work in schools with Land Care and other Government bodies. Paul played the didjeridu and clapsticks.
Advance Australia Fair Assembly Edition 2021 mp3 and Video Kit
Assembly & Events Version: designed for use at school assemblies and special events.
Instantly downloadable video and audio tracks that you can insert into your school assembly powerpoints.
Includes 2 videos and 2 audio tracks, providing you with the option to use the first or both verses of the anthem.
The video is an Australian Flag with the 2021 version of the lyrics, sung and subtitled for children to follow along.
- Audio Track – Vocal – First verse only
- Audio Track – Vocal – Two verses
- Video – Subtitled and Vocal – First verse
- Video – Subtitled and Vocal – Two verses
These are audio and video files instantly downloadable to use in your assembly Powerpoints.