eBook Readers – Apple Books and Thorium (or Adobe Digital Editions)
Apple Books
Apple Books is the preferred reader for our eBooks (ePub files) for Mac.
Thorium is the preferred reader for our eBooks (ePub files) for Windoews.
Question. I am having difficulties downloading my file. What should I do?
- Your school may be blocking downloads.
If this is the case, please see your local technician
Any domain with *bushfirepress* needs to be unblocked for downloads. - or download at home.
Still having problems? Please contact us
Question. I have downloaded my book.epub file. How do I read it?
- Create a folder called “Music Room” in your “Documents” folder
- Using Finder, drag the downloaded epub file into your Music Room Folder.
- Tap on the file. It should open automatically in Apple Books.
Question. My eBook did not open in Apple Books. What do I do next?
- In Finder, right click on the epub file
- Choose “Get info”
- Choose Books.app in “Open With”
- Tap “change all” to make it default for all ePubs
for Windows
- Thorium
- Adobe Digital Editions (ADE)
You will first need to download Thorium or Adobe Digital Editions.
You will also need to download the resources using the links sent to you.
Once you have done this, you will need to move your downloaded resources to a special folder
We suggest you make a folder in “Documents” called “MusicRoom”.
You can then run Adobe Digital Editions or Thorium and add the resources from your Documents/MusicRoom folder to your Library.
Please Note: Adobe Digital Editions is NOT the same as Adobe Acrobat Reader. Acrobat does not read ePub files.
Question. Which one? ADE or Thorium?
- ADE is currently having problems with eMusic Room Level 1 and We’re Orff series
If you have any of these, use Thorium
We are working on making the above titles compatible (we blame Adobe, they work with Apple Books and Thorium).
Otherwise, whichever one’s the look and feel suits you.
Apple Books is excellent for fixed format epubs.
Adobe Digital Editions has some problems. We have so far found Thorium works very well.
Question. I have downloaded my book.epub file. How do I read it?
- Create a folder called “Music Room” in your “Documents” folder
- Using Explorer, drag the downloaded file(s) into your Music Room Folder.
It may also be worthwhile saving copies to a labeled USB stick as backup in case you lose track of the files or change computers.
For Adobe Digital Editions
- Open Adobe Digital Editions
- Go to File -> Add to Library
Locate the new .epub file(s) in your chosen Music Room Folder (see above) - Choose the file and this will load into your Digital Editions Library. It should be there next time you login to ADE.
- Do not delete the original files from your Music Room folder. Deleting these will remove your books from the Adobe Digital Editions library.
For Thorium
- Open Thorium
- Go to Home -> + import publication
Locate the new .epub file(s) in your chosen Music Room Folder (see above) - Choose the file and this will load into your Thorium Library. It should be there next time you login to THorium.
- Do not delete the original files from your Music Room folder. Deleting these may remove your books from the Thorium library.
Question. How do I display just a single page (or double pages).
- In Adobe Digital Editions, tap on a page to make it active.
- Go to Reading in the top menu. (You will find some nice options here).
- Choose Single Page View (or Double Page View)
Question. I cannot find my books in Adobe Digital Editions (ADE).
Once you have opened resource, it should stay in your Adobe Digital Editions Library.
If a book has disappeared, you may have moved or deleted the original book.
- Use Explorer to check the folder called “Music Room” in your “Documents” folder (this is where we suggested you save your resources) or any other folder you may have used.
- If the ePub files are not there and you have a backup on a USB stick, copy the files back to your the folder called “Music Room” in your “Documents” folder
- If you still cannot find the files, use Explorer to search for any .epub files on your computer. Move them back to your Documents/Music Room folder. It may be worthwhile saving copies to a labeled USB stick as backup in case you lose track of the files or change computers.
- Go to File -> Add to Library
Locate the .epub file(s) in your chosen Music Room Folder (see above) - Choose the file and this will load into your Digital Editions Library. It should be there next time you login to ADE.
For information about Adobe Digital Editions including the download link, tap here.