Which Music Room is right for me? Scroll down to find out.
Music Room Level’s 1 – 7
By Rob Fairbairn, Mark Leehy and Kevin O’Mara
Music Room is a practical, easy to use comprehensive teaching and learning program.
- Available in digital and print format
- A fun, easy-to-use music program for both classroom teacher & music specialist.
- Each level is structured as a full year’s lesson plans: 4 terms with 8 lessons per term.
- Covers all aspects of the music curriculum:
- Concept development
- Responding to the Arts
- Music in context (Music in time, Music for Dance, Music for Special Occasions, Music that Tells a Story)
- Theoretical and practical content
- Also includes concert performance pieces.
Are some or all of your classes multi-age?
Tap here to read more about using Music Room in this setting.
- Explore Music Room by Categories
- Music Room by Level
- Music Room Print Books + digital AV
- Music Room Alive
- eMusic Room Teacher eBooks
- Music Room Slideshow
- Music Room Genre Units
- Music Room – additional resources
- Music Room Tech
- Music Room Choice Boards
- Music Room Games
- Boomwhackers
- Music Room Support Material
Which version of Music Room is Right for me?
“I would like someone else to teach my music lessons so that all I have to do is set up the classroom and participate along with my students.”
Music Room Alive
AND with perhaps
Music Room Teacher Book or eMusic Room Teacher eBook
I want to teach my music lessons but would like them all pre-planned for me and have easy access to the accompanying AV resources but would like to prepare the lessons myself.”
Music Room Teacher Book (Print – includes eMusic Room)
eMusic Room Teacher eBook
“I want to teach my music lessons but would like them all pre-planned and pre-prepared for me. I don’t have the time to make my own Powerpoint presentations.”
Music Room Teacher Book + Music Room Slideshow
eMusic Room Teacher eBook + Music Room Slideshow
Music Room Support
Tap here for Music Room Support Materials
Praise for Music Room
- If children were to progress through their primary school education using the Music Room program, I believe they would be receiving a high quality music education. – Music in Action
- I have every one of your Music Room books. The non-music staff, who take my classes when I am not there, say they are great lessons and find it not near as hard or as intimidating as they thought it would be to take a music class. So I am so pleased you have brought out Music Room 7. I am about to start Raps with my year 6 students. – Christian College, Geelong.
- With Music Room, I feel that not only have I have expanded my repertoire of ideas, I feel I have improved as a music specialist. – Alan Uphill, Skelmersdale UK
- I just keep falling more in love with this program. – St Joseph’s Primary School, Rockdale
Which Music Room is right for you?
Watch the VideoMusic Room Slideshow

Companion Powerpoint-style presentations to Music Room Teacher Books and eMusic Room
All you need for presentation to your students!
- Includes embedded video, audio charts
- No more need for CDs, DVDs or USBs
- No more hours of Powerpoint slide preparation.
Music Room Learning Outcomes
Australian Curriculum mapping, Australian state based learning outcomes, and UK Curriculum outcomes