A series of thematic units curated and published by Bushfire Press. Contributors: Michele Bickley, David Billings, Helen Briggs, Scott Browne, Rob Fairbairn, Mark Leehy, Jock Macneish, Mary Moore, Kevin O’Mara, Kate Perkins, Shirley Sydenham, Jude Wigley.

Suitable for use with students in upper primary school.

This terrific resource is a fantastic way to encourage or expand the Performing Arts culture in your school. There are 10 themed units available, and each unit includes music, dance, drama, media and visual art.

Save preparation time: Everything you need to teach The Arts is in one kit – songs and music (including backing tracks), lyrics, activities, templates, illustrations!

Each unit is available to purchase via immediate download and includes everything you need to use it in the classroom immediately.

Also available to purchase are instrumental arrangements for tuned and untuned percussion for some of the songs from each unit. Printable PDFs provide easy arrangements of songs- a great way to extend your use of the program, and perfect for concerts and performances!

Detailed description

A thematic unit on the topic of Space, integrating activities in music, dance, drama, media and visual art. Learning outcomes included. Performance items and opportunities. Includes song, group work, choreography, cartooning, 3D construction.

Aboriginal Culture
A thematic unit on the topic of Aboriginal Culture, integrating activities in music, dance, drama, media and visual art. Learning outcomes included. Performance items and opportunities. Includes songs, instrument making, movement, choreography, group work, Dreamtime stories, Aboriginal X-ray art & sand drawing.

A thematic unit on the topic of Europe, integrating activities in music, dance, drama, media and visual art. Learning outcomes included. Performance items and opportunities. Includes song, time signatures, movement, European folk dances, group work, product advertising, construction.

Celebrations and Special Events
A thematic unit on the topic of Celebrations & Special Events, integrating activities in music, dance, drama, media and visual art. Learning outcomes included. Performance items and opportunities. Includes song, busking, creative movement, dance sequences, group work, event staging, art research.

The Environment
A thematic unit on the topic of The Environment, integrating activities in music, dance, drama, media and visual art. Learning outcomes included. Performance items and opportunities. Includes song, easy instrumental arrangement, soundscape, movement, choreography, photography, painting and drawing.

A thematic unit on the topic of Gold, integrating activities in music, dance, drama, media and visual art. Learning outcomes included. Performance items and opportunities. Includes song, bushband instruments, recorder playing, bush dancing, silent movie making, model making.

A thematic unit on the topic of Careers, integrating activities in music, dance, drama, media and visual art. Learning outcomes included. Includes song, improvisation, movement, choreography, group work, mime, silhouette making.

The Sea
A thematic unit on the topic of The Sea, integrating activities in music, dance, drama, media and visual art. Learning outcomes included. Performance items and opportunities. Includes song, listening, ambient music, creative movement, group work, making tape prints.

A thematic unit on the topic of Dinosaurs, integrating activities in music, dance, drama, media and visual art. Learning outcomes included. Performance items and opportunities. Includes song, listening, easy arrangement, ostinato, moving, group work and drawing.

Centre Stage
A thematic unit on the topic of Centre Stage, integrating activities in music, dance, drama, media and visual art. Learning outcomes included. Performance items and opportunities. Includes songs, choreography and puppet making.

Product samples