A mini musical by Bartlett-Leehy-O’Mara. Duration: 15 minutes.
suitable for use with preschool and lower/middle primary students.
This retelling of the timeless fairytale favourite integrates the performing arts for lower primary in a bright, modern way. Easy to use; no experience necessary. Simple chant is the basis of the storytelling, with kitchen utensils as the percussion accompaniment. Each new character is introduced with a different dance (Twist, Maccarena, Nutbush, Charleston and line dancing). Clear, simple instructions and illustrations for simple costuming, staging and dance steps. Audio demos and backing tracks. Gingerbread Man recipe. So – rehearse the play, bake the gingerbread, perform for parents or other grades … then serve a gingerbread supper. What a way to integrate the Arts!
Please see the script excerpt under the ‘Product samples’ tab below: it contains a cast list, stage set up suggestions and an excerpt from the script.
The Gingerbread Man script excerpt
The Gingerbread Man sample
Kitchen Rap sample
Cool Fox sample
The Twist sample