Steve looks after the website and co-ordinates the production of eBooks and other digital offerings.
He is a consumer rather than a producer of music and is continuously in awe of the musical talent at Bushfire Press. Perhaps he could be seen as the Bushfire Press “roadie”. His music passion is Early Music on original instruments – but some just see this as a progression from his earlier interests in folk music. It does, however, give Steve the impetus to travel to places like Leipzig, London and Utrecht following early music festivals. And The Renaissance and Machiavelli draw him to consider Firenze a home away from home.
Steve read for his degree in computer science back in the days when the computer system that took up a whole floor of a university building had far less power than the iPhone in your pocket.
He taught mathematics and computing in Melbourne and Perth private and government secondary schools. Steve introduced computer aided learning, computer studies and automated library systems to many schools back in the 70s and 80s, intranet and internet networks to schools in the 90s – and went into business in the Internet industry for the new millennium. This brought him to work with KULCHA (Muliti-cultural Arts of Western Australia – by now folk music had morphed into world music) and Bushfire Press.
Bushfire Press was a kind of home-coming for Steve, as he and Mark and Kev went to school together back in the 60s.